What is an Online Business Manager (OBM)? And When Should You Best Hire One

If you’re ready to scale your business to new heights but are struggling to juggle the endless tasks that come with being a business owner, perhaps it’s time to take the leap and hire your very own Online Business Manager. This isn’t someone who’s just another task-ticker, but rather a creative business companion who will help you plan, strategize, and execute your unique vision. 

Does this sound like a dream come true? Then let’s explore the ways an Online Business Manager could benefit your business.

What is an Online Business Manager (OBM)?

An Online Business Manager, or OBM for short, is the business bestie you didn’t know you needed! They’re a trusted right-hand person that provides guidance and expertise to help you manage the ins and outs of your online business.

The role of an OBM is to take operational and managerial tasks off your plate. So that you have the freedom to focus on growing your business rather than getting caught up in the day-to-day.

Unlike a Virtual Assistant (VA), an OBM is much more actively involved in the actual running of your business. They help you tackle important things, from delegating tasks to streamlining systems and everything in between. Your Online Business Manager will be by your side to assist with decision-making, long-term planning, handling issues, managing teams, and so much more. 

For many business owners, hiring an OBM frees up time for them to focus on the bigger picture and start planning into the future.

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What services does an OBM offer?

Every business is unique, so the services offered by Online Business Managers may vary depending on your needs. However, these are the key areas an OBM generally looks after:

Project Management

If you can dream it, an OBM can make it a reality. Online Business Managers can help you strategize, plan and execute important projects and tasks from start to finish. Sit back and relax while your OBM streamlines the entire project management process while establishing systems customized for your needs. 

This ranges from delegating tasks, managing timelines, to keeping an eye on the budget. Not only will an OBM organize the endless sea of to-do’s, but will also help everyone meet deadlines with less stress, hassle, and confusion.

Systems & Operations 

Scale your business without losing track of your bottom line. Before you take your business to the next level, an OBM will audit your existing systems and operations. Then they’ll optimize them, so they work more efficiently. Moreover, an OBM can help you make difficult decisions between different tech tools to use and you can rely on their experience and knowledge.

This way, when you do have time to focus on growth-related activities like creating a new online course or launching a sales funnel, your company will be well prepared for it! Everything will be automatized and you can be reassured that the tech stuff is taken care of.

Team Management

Focus on building the absolute dream team! Online Business Managers can work with you to interview, hire, train and manage top talent. Additionally, your OBM will help you track progress and answer all the little questions that come up throughout the day. 

When done well, you’ll have a team of passionate employees who are eager to go above and beyond for your business.

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When should you hire an Online Business Manager?

Business owners often don’t realize how much their business is growing and quickly become overwhelmed with day-to-day tasks. As you get more clients, create new products, and expand your brand in different markets, it’s easy to lose track of what needs to be done every now then.

If you answer yes to any of the following, you may be ready to hire a trustworthy OBM:

  • You’re struggling to find an ideal work-life balance.
  • You’re ready to scale and grow your business in a sustainable way.
  • It’s time for you to shift from a manager role into a CEO position.
  • You want to focus on profit-generating tasks instead of managing day-to-day projects or a team.
  • You want to do what you love and let someone else take care of the rest.

Hi! My name is Sabine, and I’m an Online Business Manager. I work with digital product creators, coaches and other entrepreneurs to help them transform their business so they can broaden their reach and impact more lives.

I’ve helped countless other businesses achieve their goals, and I’d love to help you too. So if you’re not just looking for someone to implement and execute, but instead, you’re looking for someone to be your strategic partner, brainstorm buddy, and business bestie, then let’s explore a few different ways we can grow together!

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